Message from Arnold(Swede) Egbert
Canon 30d w/ 17-55/2.8; DO,70-300. as main lenses
also a 17-40 f/4 and a 10D, to be sold ,or traded later.
3, gitzo tripods, 1 is heavy duty pro studex 1410, and a studex 1320 with a heavy duty studioball
head which I used w/ an 8x10 Wista field. + a new lightweight gitzo basalt tripod w/ a kirk bh-3
also other cameras and lenses gathering dust.
I joined pbase with the hopes I (Might) get some feedback on my "work"?, but so far the only ones are from people I know personaly. am going to contact pbase as to why, when someone types in
a comment it says "comments not allowed" They are not only allowed, but most welcomed.
Thank You. Arnold(Swede)Egbert