Message from Mario Presecki
I've been in photography since I bought my first camera (in 1984). It was a Praktica MTL5B with 50mm and 135mm lenses. I had and captured a lot of beautiful moments with her :-). Then came a Nikon FM2, which I used for official purposes in the company I used to work for. The last film camera I got, which I actually bought for my wife, was a little Olympus mju2 zoom.
As for digital photography, I first started with a Canon S1 IS, then came the S3 and now I have an Olympus E-500, E-3, ZD 14-54, ZD 12-60, ZD 50-200mm lenses and a slim ixus 65. Well, this is my technical photo-biography. You can also see my photobio trough my PBase galleries, so feel welcome, and don't spare on yours comments, objections and suggestions.
Thank you all for visiting my galleries.
Mario Presecki