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jim robinson 18-Jun-2017 20:22
I was at Camp Samaesan 71-73 I was the NCOIC of the Beach. Boat House (were we had sail boats and speed boats for water skiing and just running around) Also the new swimming pool which was built in 72. I remember the Baht Bus accident in 72 Had a friend (thai) which was in the accident. He was in the front of one baht bus going to Pattaya and went thru the front window and ended up in the other bus..he lived after going thru both front winsheilds ..bad accident His name was Dang and he worked at the boathouse as lead Thai worker my name jim robinson
Ken McGee 08-Dec-2013 19:34
Now that I have found this spot, I will be a regular visitor. You do some really nice work.
Dan Lehr 06-Jul-2011 18:57
I was a PMI with the 12th CID in Sattahip, 1968. Francis Robinson was my warrant offcer at that time. Enjoyed your photos very much. I wonder if "Barbos" restarant is still in operation in Pattaya?
Karen Hildebrand 11-Mar-2009 22:17
Wonderful pictures. We enjoyed the variety and all of the galleries.
Good job!
f leblanc 28-Jul-2008 16:30
nice steam traction engines. Check out mine @ 918.902.3005
Guest 16-Sep-2007 23:44
So many enjoyable galleries. I very much enjoyed my visit to your site!
Michael 19-Oct-2006 00:40
Nice blog!
Basil Hughes 26-Apr-2006 01:48
Dear Mike Davies
I was an RAF Sgt based at RAF Changi 1967-9 and was on several flights to Saigon and one to Thailand during that period. I now live in Pattaya and would like your permission to try to paint a couple of pictures strickly for my own pleasure based on the Photo's of Pattaya you took in 1969. I don't paint professionally but just as a retirement hobby. Incidently my first "visit " to Thailand was while I was on active service in Malaya 1957.
best wishes and thanks for some marvelous photo's to admire
Basil Hughes
Mike Davis13-Nov-2005 21:29
The Spotmatic was (is) a fine camera. I bought mine new in 1969 and used it for many years with no problems. My lenses were all primes, no zooms (which were not recommended in that time period).
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma13-Nov-2005 09:51
Till 2004! Time go fast !
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma13-Nov-2005 09:48
I have been using my fatherĀ“s old Pentax Spotmatic till 2003. I still think think is a superb camera. Do you?
I have enjoyed looking your galleries !
Mike Davis11-Nov-2005 01:48
I shoot either in JPEG or RAW format depending on the situation. My Canon 20D has all the sharpening and saturation turned off, so images are slightly dull and soft compared to many cameras which leave these functions on by default or do not have the ability to defeat them. I try to color balance images in Photoshop, often add a touch of saturation boost and sharpening after cropping. Also, note that some of the Rocky Mountain pics are from older Kodachrome and Ektachrome slides shot on my Pentax Spotmatic.
SC 04-Nov-2005 23:51
I liked your Canon 17-85 pics very much. Did you do any post processing on these pics (Eg: the Rocky mountain and Napa valley ones) or are they straight off the camera?