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Lew Brown | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
All of these images (except where noted) started their lives on film (you remember that stuff, right?). They are then scanned at 2700 ppi on a Nikon film scanner. Unfortunately, that creates around a 29 Mb file, which is obviously unacceptable for "web transmission"! So the originals have to be "dumbed down" for display here, therefore these representations do not do real justice to the originals.....But at least now I can point people to a web site! I appreciate any and all feedback....
2002 Calendar
:: 2002 Calendar ::
2002 Images
:: 2002 Images ::
Wyoming 2003
:: Wyoming 2003 ::
Summer 2004
:: Summer 2004 ::
2005 Images
:: 2005 Images ::
Black & White
:: Black & White ::
Digital (non-film!)
:: Digital (non-film!) ::
:: Miscellaneous ::
USA 1979 (Under Construction!)
:: USA 1979 (Under Construction!) ::