30-Oct-2011 09:12

:: My version of events in general ::
21-Aug-2011 20:46

:: Epitaph for an Era ::
06-May-2011 19:57

:: A Night at the Opera ::
01-Mar-2011 22:05

:: The HIP side of Venice ::
30-Jul-2010 11:25

:: Collections ::
18-Jul-2010 20:53

:: No Sleep Tonight ::
07-Jun-2010 11:00

:: Calatrava in Valencia ::
23-Feb-2010 19:52

:: The Syrian Way of Life ::
26-Jan-2010 22:27

:: The Syrian Desert ::
17-Jan-2010 20:51

:: Shatila refugee camp, Beirut ::
16-Jan-2010 12:39

:: The Bashar Cult ::
14-Jan-2010 20:23

:: The last Templar fortress, Krak Des Chevaliers ::