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Bruce T Jones | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Bruce T Jones
Name Bruce T Jones (joined 22-Nov-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username jaximages
Location United States
United States
View Galleries : Bruce T Jones has 152 galleries and 10284 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 2226385 times.

View Guestbook : 44 messages. Most recent on 28-Jun-2015.

Message from Bruce T Jones
Welcome to my galleries! Thanks for taking a look around.

I have been shooting digital since 2003 when I was bitten by the photography bug. Most of my images are from Northeast Florida, near my home in Jacksonville. Occasionally, I will post something from my travels out of town.

I have no particular style or artistic vision (other than a tendency to produce noisy, soft, and over-processed images). Let's face it: I am -- at heart -- a hobbyist.

Still, photography is important to me. It is a way of seeing the world more clearly. Creation is an ever-deepening mystery. Apprehending it -- much less capturing it -- is a spiritual discipline.

My workflow is quite simple; I just go for a walk with my camera. Or I push out into the creeks and marshes of Northeast Florida in my kayak. I shoot what I see. And that's about it.

-- Bruce
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