Message from Dave Hein
It truly is inspirational to be around so many great PBase photographers. It's even more amazing to get to know many of them and see their comments on my photos now and then. To all of you, I am humbled by your feedback from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!
As a focused interest group and networking site for photography, PBase has no parallel in my opinion. The global friendships I've forged here have been completely unexpected and continue to be delightful. This is a wonderful place to learn and craft photographic skills. Mostly though, being a part of this experiment has proven to be an amazing opportunity for intergalactic fun!
I shoot Nikon gear and am oriented toward landscape, candid, and documentary/photo-journalistic photography. In truth I'm still trying to figure out what I do best - if anything at all. If I have captured you by chance and you would rather not want to be online for the world to see, please leave me a note and I will gladly remove or modify your image. My intent is not to embarass anyone other than myself.
And, please feel free to introduce yourself and leave comments and suggestions. They all make my next picture better. Most importantly: Thanks for visiting!

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