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Eckhart Derschmidt's Recent Galleries

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02-Mar-2025 20:47
Spiders in and around the house
:: Spiders in and around the house  ::
02-Mar-2025 20:42
Lycosidae - Wolf spiders
:: Lycosidae - Wolf spiders ::
03-Feb-2025 23:44
So Much Guitar!
:: So Much Guitar! ::
03-Feb-2025 23:17
Bass on Top
:: Bass on Top ::
31-Oct-2024 22:21
Play Piano Play
:: Play Piano Play ::
31-Oct-2024 22:00
There's a Trumpet in My Soul
:: There's a Trumpet in My Soul ::
31-Oct-2024 21:58
Sing, sing, sing!
:: Sing, sing, sing!  ::
31-Oct-2024 21:53
Saxophone Madness!
:: Saxophone Madness! ::
31-Oct-2024 21:35
The Big Beat
:: The Big Beat ::
08-Sep-2024 19:32
:: Photo-A-Day ::
08-Sep-2024 18:14
Istanbul Cats
:: Istanbul Cats ::
13-Aug-2024 22:44
Syrphidae - Schwebfliegen - Hoverflies
:: Syrphidae - Schwebfliegen - Hoverflies ::