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Chris Kieffer | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Izalara 26-Oct-2014 21:34
Hola Christian, me ha gustado mucho tu web de fotos. Te felicito por el trabajo! Izalara de Brazil. Abraço.! :)
Friend_of_Music 04-Aug-2014 16:06
Hallo Chrëscht,
daat do sin definitiv Fotoen an énger top professioneller Qualitäit !
Wäit weg vum üblechen Hobby-Geknipps !
Kompliment !!
DenBeaufortConcertBesicher :-)
Daysel Rodriguez Cardoso 02-May-2013 13:52
Hola Chris, qué fotos más maravillosas! Me encanta que el tema principal de ellas sean las personas y sus peculiaridades, las encuentro muy artisticas. Buen trabajo! Muchos saludos
Homero 09-Feb-2013 19:18
Hola Chris, cómo estas, he visto tus fotos y realmente tienen mucho sentido de profundidad . Sigue haciendo tan buen trabajo con tu cámara .
John Gerecke 20-Feb-2011 18:31
Fantastic pictures Chris. Must have been a lot of work. I think I will go to Cuba. Thanks, John, VE5PM
Jerry 12-Sep-2010 09:31
Flott gemach dèng Sait
d'Jos 24-Aug-2009 20:47
Salut Chrescht,flott Page a flott Foto'en, ech gesin ech muss nach vill üben fir un dain Niveau erun ze kommen ;-)
ernster paul 11-Aug-2009 06:55
salut, hu deng fotoen gekuckt si super gemaat
VR2ZNP18-Jan-2009 18:56
Definately a creative and enjoyable presentation.
Great gallery! Voted!
Brendan EI1429 26-Dec-2008 17:54
Hi Chris just been looking at some more of your work, LIKE IT!
Guest 07-Aug-2008 00:09
Thank you for your visit to my gallery Chris and thnak you for your kind comment, it is much appreciated. I have seen yours and I have had a big surprise with your QSL's Gallery. I am (or was) EC3DEA and after that, EA3ABF great idea to scan your QSLs, bit a lot of work! Good luck with the project.
Best wishes, 73 and dx.
Guest 07-Apr-2008 20:44
Thank you for visiting my website Mr.Kieffer.Please sign my guestbook.I love your work.
kimene S29-Mar-2008 02:26
Ever truly inspired! Thankyou chris for sharing your wonderful work!
John Shaw 14-Feb-2008 10:59
Good morning Christian. I have just been viewing your galleries, with many beautiful very sharp images. I wanted to ask whether my wife could use your image "zoo109" of a leaopard head as the basis of one of her animal pictures. She does extremely time consuming pictures, painting with fabric paints on linen, then very detailed embroidery and applique over that with leather, wools, suedes, other fabrics, stitchery and other materials. They take many months, and I can send you a copy of a typical one if you would like to see. I look forward to hearing from you.