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apakprearge 23-Apr-2013 13:41
[URL= - [/URL -
John Betts 01-Aug-2011 20:42

I have come to enjoy your work. Among other things we host photography workshops here in the Dunoir Valley on the south end of the Absaroka Northwest of Dubois. We are in dense Grizzly and Wolf habitat. If you're ever interested in hosting and instructing a workshop please put our hat in the ring. Thanks for your time,

John Betts
Absaroka Ranch
(307) 240-0018
francisca195302-Jan-2011 11:48
Hallo Hèlène,
wat een prachtige website heb je en wat een mooie foto's.
Een jaar geleden ben ik begonnen met het maken van een weblog over het leven van IJsbeer Huggies. Toen ik jouw prachtige foto's zag van huggies en haar drieling hoop ik dat je me toestemming geeft om deze voor mijn weblog te mogen gebruiken. Mijn weblog is:
Verder nog de beste wensen voor 2011.
Ik hoop dat ik gauw wat van je hoor.
Groetjes van Francisca Lamberts
Anne 27-Jan-2010 09:31
Hello Helene,
I came across your wonderful photos on Flickr and searching for more images found them here. I am interested as I am into photography and will be visiting Yellowstone towards the end of May this year (I noticed many of your shots were taken in May). As I am traveling from Tasmania (Australia)and have been able to access limited information I was hoping you may have the time to guide me to some good locations for photography and wildlife watching. Thank you, Anne.
Pierre Klein 09-Oct-2009 17:05
Est-ce vous qui avez travaillé sur les conférences familiales?
Stef Vossen 09-Jul-2009 20:52
Ha nichtje,
Wat een mooie website heb je. Wij hebben deze link van pa en ma gekregen. Wat een prachtige foto's maak je. Vooral de vosjes met kittens vinden ze hier schattig. Ik ben met de stamboom van de familie Vossen bezig en zoek hiervoor nog mooie vossenfoto's. Als ik leuke foto's zie vraag ik je wel of ik deze mag gebruiken.
Stef, Els, Kevin, Britt, Yoes
Jeremy Van Dijk 20-Dec-2008 13:48
My father came from holland so i thought maybe you might be one of my cousins sorry if i was wrong just wondered was all, trying to track down family for when i do my euro-trip this year
Guest 08-Aug-2008 08:50
Wat een prachtige foto's. We gaan in september voor de eerste keer naar Yellowstone. Ik verheug me nu nog meer.
DutchDuo 28-Jun-2008 01:51
Hoi Helene,
Wat een prachtige foto's heb je op je website staan. Vooral die grizzly die haar jong over de sneeuwheuvel probeert te trekken! Waar heb je die geschoten, Dunraven?
Ik ben verbaasd dat we elkaar nog nooit ontmoet hebben. Ook wij zitten elk voorjaar en najaar in Yellowstone, alleen dit jaar waren we er pas 1 juni. We reizen in een witte camper met onze eigen foto's op de zijkant en achterkant en een witte Ford pick-up truck.
We gaan nu door naar Alaska en komen begin oktober terug voor de elanden in Grand Teton.
Hartelijke groeten en keep shooting.
Claudia & PJ
Oscar 27-Apr-2008 18:53
Hallo Hèléne,
Het zijn prachtige foto's die jij tijdens je bezoek hebt gemaakt.Héél duidelijk. Geweldig.
Cheryl 28-Oct-2007 00:47
Hi Helene! Just want to thank you for showing all these photos. You are an awesome photographer (especially with pandas) lol..Nah, just kidding..All your pics are just exquisite and I have enjoyed them so much. The pandas and Yellowstone are my favorites. I live near Atlanta and have seen all your photos of our beautiful pandas and they are the best. Nessie sent me this link and boy, I am so glad. Loved looking at them (I'll have to finish later LOL) ..Keep up the good work. Cheryl (trumpetmom)
Guest 27-Jun-2007 20:04
Great Gallery
Hilkey's Outdoor Images06-Jun-2007 19:40
I've been enjoying your gallery of photos taken in Yellowstone and the Tetons. They are wonderful.
Dona in Colorado
gerardo 28-Oct-2006 17:40
I can't say a word but thanks for sharing that beauty.

gerardo from spain.
Lesley Forrester 01-Aug-2006 23:50
Dear Helene, thank you for the beautiful pics, especially of the eagles. So beautiful, they bring back such happy memories of April. I am so glad that I will be able to folow your travels on this website.....Lesley in Old Montreal
grizman 14-Jul-2006 12:28
Very Nice Helene. Quality photos. Keep your batteries charged and your eyes on the wild and we'll see you down the road.

sonja 10-Jul-2006 08:26

Ge wel dig al deze foto's. Heb er heerlijk van genoten......Ben nieuwschierig naar jullie foto's van Alaska....

gr sonja 16-Jun-2006 15:46
Pretty good site. Nat 04-Jun-2006 12:14
Guter Stil mit Info und Geschmack. Muss schon sagen das nicht viele Seiten im Netz so sind.
jeanne 03-Jun-2006 23:45
exquisite photos Helene in the Nederlands. I am watching your msgs. too. Did you see any sign of big flying away for awhile? I missed the actual moment she disappeared after practicing her wings to fly multiple times during that hour. did you capture any of that? she was trying so hard to fly away and showing off to l'il brother. Maybe she only went behind a branch. Seattle Washington
Lori in Manitoba 29-May-2006 13:51
exquisite pictures. Thanks for sharing. Canada
Glady Gates 27-May-2006 19:50
I finally got enough time to look at all your photos. They are Excellent. I really enjoyed them. Thank you so much for sending the website to the Eagle Watch on the Infotec Forum. How on earth did you get such Magnificant photos???????
I was surprised how bright red the Pheasant was in your pictures compared to ours here in Nova Scotia. Thank you also for your pictures on the Eagal Cam. They are thoroughly enjoyed by so many people.
polly Sullivan 27-May-2006 14:18
Helene .. I've been lurking on the Eaglet cam in BC. This morning, I clicked on your picture gallery and am astounded at the beauty you've captured from all over the world. I've bookmarked your site. Thank you for sharing that amazing talent.
Frances McDermott 27-May-2006 12:15
Hi, have been an avid watcher of this site for some time, so sad about the outcome of first nest, made me cry. Love your own pics, and your update videos. It is wonderful to sit here in the uk. and watch your sunrise. Many thanks .
Kathy in CO 21-May-2006 22:20
Beautiful pictures, Helene.
It's so great to visit the Eagles and also see everyone from all over.

Kathy in CO
Jan Godfroid 21-May-2006 19:03
Hello Helene Prachtige foto's die jij hebt genomen. Wij wonen in BC Canada en waren verleden jaar in Yellowstone and Grand Teton parks. Drove to Jackson hole.Dat was 1 Juni en het sneeuwde daar nog en was onder nul weer. Een hoop wolken natuurlijk dus weinig kunnen zien. Wij zijn niewsgierig waar de foto's in Yellowstone van de dieren zijn gemaakt. Op de openbare wegen of heeft U het bos in moeten klimmen? Meer van de wegen af? Jan Godfroid
Dank je voor de prachtige foto's en ook van de scenery.
tante José Vossen 14-May-2006 21:55
Hallo Hélène en René,

Wat een fantastische serie foto's hebben jullie weer gemaakt voor de thuisblijvers, die daar nu van kunnen genieten. Ze moeten in Nederland jouw site nog ontdekken. Ik heb hem al naar diverse kennissen doorgespeeld. Ik doe de PR wel,dat zie je. Doorgaan zou ik zeggen. t.José
Sharon Stagg 12-May-2006 12:12

Hello from California. I too must commend you on both the Eagle Cam and your photos. I was in awe of their beauty and laughed at the animals in Yellowstone/Tetons. Thank you so much for sharing your love of animals and nature with the world. Yes, you are a true artist. Sharon
rita fink 12-May-2006 11:51
Your photos of the wildlife are really awesome. You must have a lot of experience as a photographer. Rita Fink
judy mackinnon 06-May-2006 17:05
Fabulous "art" show Helene looking at your work. Can you tell me how your photographed the eagles. My husband was intrigued. Many thanks for the pleasure of looking at your photos.
Ruth Saucier 06-May-2006 04:01
Dear Helene,
I was one of the Eagle watchers on the Eagle Cam website.
I was very glad everyday to see your pictures and let me catch up on pics that I missed.
Thank you for those.
I felt very sad this morning (May 5/06 @ 5:50 AM my time)as I logged onto the nest site.
At first I thought maybe she covered up the eaglet after it hatched, but as I continued to watch I could tell there was no egg and no baby.
I switch back to your pics of Thursday. A nice neat nest and the egg in the centre but what I saw today was just a dishevelled mess and no egg or baby. I heard Crows in the background and they are never welcome where baby birds are concerned. But Mom was fussing and picking at this and that for as long as I watched. At one point she stood on the edge of the nest looking in as if looking for something (baby!?) but straddled the nest again and settled in. Dad was very vocal the whole time from somewhere close by. Who knows maybe next Spring we will succeed in seeing some eaglets hatch and grow up over the summer from this site.
Again thank you for your wonderful pictures, it has been a great experience even if it did end sadly.
Just sign me, a fellow Eagle watcher.
Ruth Saucier
I also enjoy watching Ospreys. They were plentiful around where my Father was raised, up in Osprey Township near the Collingwood area of Ontario. Now I have even seen them not far from my home, up and around Lake Simcoe.
Ruth Saucier 06-May-2006 04:00
Dear Helene,
I was one of the Eagle watchers on the Eagle Cam website.
I was very glad everyday to see your pictures and let me catch up on pics that I missed.
Thank you for those.
I felt very sad this morning (May 5/06 @ 5:50 AM my time)as I logged onto the nest site.
At first I thought maybe she covered up the eaglet after it hatched, but as I continued to watch I could tell there was no egg and no baby.
I switch back to your pics of Thursday. A nice neat nest and the egg in the centre but what I saw today was just a dishevelled mess and no egg or baby. I heard Crows in the background and they are never welcome where baby birds are concerned. But Mom was fussing and picking at this and that for as long as I watched. At one point she stood on the edge of the nest looking in as if looking for something (baby!?) but straddled the nest again and settled in. Dad was very vocal the whole time from somewhere close by. Who knows maybe next Spring we will succeed in seeing some eaglets hatch and grow up over the summer from this site.
Again thank you for your wonderful pictures, it has been a great experience even if it did end sadly.
Just sign me, a fellow Eagle watcher.
Ruth Saucier
I also enjoy watching Ospreys. They were plentiful around where my Father was raised, up in Osprey Township near the Collingwood area of Ontario. Now I have even seen them not far from my home, up and around Lake Simcoe.
Guest 03-May-2006 12:36
To say that you capture nature at it's best is
to underestimate your true talent. I am in awe of the story your photos create.
Thank you for sharing with the world. I also found your web site via the Hornby Island Eagle Cam and plan on revisiting quite often
Bernice - New Brunswick
Guest 02-May-2006 21:31
Hi H'ele`ne,
I enjoyed viewing your pictures through the link that was provided from the Eagle Cam website. Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us. I'm not sure if you have come to visit Vancouver Island if you now reside here now but I'm sure that you'll continue to entertain us all with your creativity and awesome images.

Bob - Nanaimo, BC
Cathy 02-May-2006 16:10
Found your link on the Eagle website. Just looked at your pics. They are WONDERFUL!!!! Your a great photographer!!!
Pat Little 02-May-2006 01:17
Got to your site via the Hornby Island eagle's nest site and wanted to tell you how good your pictures are, I'm glad that you posted a link. As a member of PBase, it's rather interesting to see all the attention that you've gotten via the eagle site rather than from PBase members.

You are, of course, a real artist.
Guest 28-Apr-2006 07:42
Helene you are a very gifted artist! Love the eagle screen shots and posts in the forum also! I am sending a link to your photos to my daughter who is getting back into her photography and wants to be a nature photographer. She has taken some amazing photos of animals and outdoor scenery so this will inspire her.
Sierra 27-Apr-2006 14:40
Wonderful photos, Helene! Thank you for sharing them with us.
Guest 27-Apr-2006 13:13
Lovely photos on your website but really want to thank you for all your great work with the eagle cam screen shots. Thanks! Grethen
cj 27-Apr-2006 10:39
Your pictures are beautiful .... you are truly an artist .... and how wonderful to have been able to see all these wonderful creatures in the wild ....keep up your wondrous work it is inspiring! Your cats are exquisite and I think you really cptured their personalities in your work!
Take Care!
CJ, Nova Scotia
Selma Ýnce 26-Apr-2006 14:36
Hello Helene,
How you took all these wonderful photos! I can't believe my eyes!
I appreciate the nature and all kinds of animals like you.
Why don't you come to Turkey (my beloved country) and see such places?
I hope you come.
Selma Ýnce/Konya/Turkey
Renso Tamse 26-Apr-2006 08:22
Hey Héléne, via de bald eagles op je site terecht gekomen.
Mooie foto's hoor, m'n complimenten, ik doe iets in die richting, maar maak niet veel foto's.

Groetjes, Renso
Ruta 24-Apr-2006 14:08
Wow! I have been to all the parks you've been to and haven't seen half the stuff!!! Kudos to you.
Lisle, Illinois
Badu 21-Apr-2006 17:17
Hi Helene - To let you know that your photo's are appreciated on the Eagle Cam, whenever my sceen goes black and can't get any further, you are my saving grace. You have the knack of posting the best. Thank you Helene from Sechelt, British Columbia
(directly across the Strait from Hornby Island).
Your website is excellent also, enjoyed the cats.
beanfromex 21-Apr-2006 03:52
Thank you for posting your wonderful pictures.

I really enjoyed the pictures of the cats....

I first sawmention of your pictures over at the Hornby eagle sight....

Tabasco, Mexico
Robin Blue 16-Apr-2006 23:26
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely photos with all of us on-line while watching the eagels! Beautiful work! R

Thank you for sharing your beautiful work with all of us on-line while watching the
eagles. Lovely

joanie 15-Apr-2006 16:22
I can't believe you took all these pictures by yourself.. it's so wonderfull

I really like your pictures of mooses and black bear :p
BignFat Photography15-Apr-2006 05:07
Very Nice Helene.
Saw you over on the Hornby Eagle Forum.

Great Photos and Great Screen shots.

Mike K.
Marilyn 14-Apr-2006 23:06
the pictures are just awesome that you take. I have some eagle pictures that were taken behind our apartment building earlier this year, but this nest is just awesome
Lesley 14-Apr-2006 02:31
Beautiful photos Helene. Lovely to read your comments and have your experience on the Eagle Site. Thanks so much. From Montreal, Canada
Lingard 14-Apr-2006 00:39
Its amazing to be able to view the eagles from Christchurch in New Zealand
Robert 13-Apr-2006 21:39
Fantastic photos Helene, just wondering what type of equipment you used to take these amazing shots.
agnes bax 13-Apr-2006 20:03

Met wat voor een objectief heb je de beren in Fish Creek (Hyder-Alaska) gefotografeerd?

Guest 12-Apr-2006 14:57
You take amazing pictures. My bf is into wildlive pictures, scenery etc. He took some fantastic massassauga rattlesnake and black bear pictures.

You do great work.

Liz RR 12-Apr-2006 09:50
Stunning pictures I've just joined Eagle Cam thanks for answering my query
Guest 11-Apr-2006 18:34
wonderful pictures. thanks,
Trishie/Halifax,Nova Scotia
Eric van der Holt 11-Apr-2006 17:54
How on earth did you ever get to view the eagles nest on Hornby Island?! I have been trying for days to view this website but the picture has always been blank. Maybe I am doing something wrong! By the way, I live right by Hornby Island!
Eric van der Holt 11-Apr-2006 17:51
How on earth did you ever get to view the eagles nest on Hornby Island?! I have been trying for days to view this website but the picture has always been blank. Maybe I am doing something wrong! By the way, I live right by Hornby Island!
Dianne 11-Apr-2006 15:06
Beautiful photos Helen ! Living here in British Columbia Canada, we totally appreciate nature and all it's beauty.
charles 11-Apr-2006 15:01
thank you helene for your lovely pics as a 75 year old my wife and i love to see wonderfull pictures of wild life and mountains ect kermode bears and wolves are her favourites best wishes to you charles
Heinz 11-Apr-2006 14:28
Wonderful shots Helene. Love your work :-) Thanx Heinz
Guest 10-Apr-2006 20:56
Thanks so much for your wonderful photos! I can now distinguish between the birds. One has brown spots on the back of the head ... BUT ... is this one the male or the female?
Thanks for sharing.
Daisy 10-Apr-2006 13:54
Marilynn 09-Apr-2006 17:01
Hello, I clicked on your pictures while visiting the Eagle cam and just want to say your pictures are just wonderful and beautiful! I haven't beable to see the eagles now for three days straight, just get a black screen. But I am being patient and hope everything will be set for the hatching. :-)
British Columbia
Sue 09-Apr-2006 11:54
Found your gallery through the Eagle Cam forum.
GREAT photos! Thanks, and keep 'em coming!
Ottawa, Ontario
Guest 08-Apr-2006 18:57
Hello Helene.
Thank you so very much for the wonderful photographs--I really appreciate it.
British Columbia
ceilidhgirl 08-Apr-2006 18:05
Helene! Beautiful photos! I'm born & raised in BC & my husband is Dutch so all your photos are completely relavent to us and remind us of the beautiful countries we each come from. Thanks also for all you screen captures of "our" bald eagles! Much appreciated!
dragonfly 08-Apr-2006 01:57
hello there, just want to thank you again (in person, sort of) for the wonderful photos of the Hornby Island Eagles "changing of the guard" - i keep missing it, now at last i see the two together and can somewhat discern the difference between the two (it seems to me that one of them has two black spots on the white part of the head??? - what does anyone else think?)
Guest 06-Apr-2006 23:06
Hello Helene Your shots of the eagles on Hornby are fantastic. I live a short distance from where they are nesting. While they were exchanging places about 3:30 pdt someone thought the incoming eagle was carrying something. I missed it and am hoping we see it with more photos from you. A wonderful job. I am sorry I don't know how to make the little asterics over the ee's in your name.
Karen Beuker 06-Apr-2006 22:17
Wow, you are an extremely gifted photographer.
MartyJo 06-Apr-2006 20:22
Fantastic photos have sent the site to all my grandkids At 76 I appriciate what nature has given to us to enjoy. Zoos are a necessary evil but to view au natural is the height of expression. thank you for sharing these
Guest 06-Apr-2006 17:09
I found you via the Eagle Cam. I read your comments and thought I should take a look at your photos. They are stunning, Helene. Truly breathtaking and beautiful. I photograph the wildlife around me here in the Pacific Northwest (the Olympic Peninsula). You have an amazing eye for beauty and wilderness. I am glad that I found your site.

Robin aka Rexroth's Daughter
Guest 16-Jan-2006 03:12
This is Stacey again, in case you can't see my e-mail it is
stacey magee 16-Jan-2006 03:12
I just checked our your photos of Yellowstone. They are awesome. Where did you find all the animals. I am going in Sept/OCt and my main goal is to see wildlife...

E-mail if you can.
Daisy 27-Sep-2005 17:01
Hallo Hélène,

Bij deze een reactie na onze reis naar Yellowstone afgelopen weken. We zijn er 5 dagen geweest en hebben de plaatsen bezocht die jij had aangegeven op de Canadapagina. We hebben ontzettend veel dieren gezien en ook leuke foto's kunnen maken (natuurlijk niet zo mooi als de jouwe!). We zagen een coyote, vos, natuurlijk de bizons, elken en herten, een berggeit, otters en bevers, white tail deer van dichtbij. In Grand Teton hebben we een hele familie moose kunnen fotograferen. Kortom: een prachtige tijd gehad in Yellowstone en het smaakt naar meer!
Groetjes en nogmaals bedankt voor je tips!

Daisy en JanWillem van Gent
Bob Price 30-Jul-2005 07:04
Outstanding Photography. I recently made a couple of trips to the Yellowstone Area and was looking at wildlife photos. Helene You have done a wonderful job here and some very admirable work. Thank you for the treat.
Mary 18-Jun-2005 21:11
Helen van Dijik
Very Very Interesting.
Fanstatic Photos.
I will be back as I wasn't able to stay and see all of your Site.
Thanks for Sharing
Mary from Tennessee
Rob en Angelique 23-May-2005 19:23
Hoi Hélène, Wat een leuke site, je foto's worden steeds beter. Ik hoop voor jullie dat er weer mooie bij mogen komen vanuit Gele steen.
Guest 16-May-2005 19:33
Hoi Hélène, Ik heb genoten van je mooie galleries. Vooral je poezen heb je mooi geportretteerd. Wat een lieve ondeugden...klimmend in de boom en overal in en op slapen. Ik heb je aan mijn favoriete toegevoegd. Graag kom ik weer terug om je werk weer te zien/bewondeen. Groeten, Ieke!
Jerry 11-Apr-2005 17:36
Hélène van Dijk,
Such beautiful pictures. I especially liked your flower pictures from Utah. Particularly the Sego Lilly. My name is Jerry, and I work for one of the elementary schools here in Utah. I would like to request permission to use this picture (Sego lilly) on our School website. I hope you read this, and can respond to my request. our school website is located at

Jerry Zambrano
Serge 06-Mar-2005 23:28

Leuk om jullie ff te ontmoeten vandaag. De foto's die je maakt zijn fantastisch!

Zijn jullie trouwens nog verder Alaska in geweest of zijn jullie alleen bij Hyder geweest? Debby (mijn vrouw) en ik zijn twee jaar geleden naar Alaska geweest met ons zoontje Skip; absoluut geweldig... ook om foto's te maken natuurlijk :-)

We komen elkaar nog wel tegen,

Ine 19-Feb-2005 10:21
Voor de 1e keer deze foto-site gezien. Wat een schitterende foto's heb je gemaakt. Of je heb heel geluk door op het juiste moment ergens te zijn of je hebt met eindeloos geduld gewacht tot je het goede plaatje kon maken. Als voorbeeld de foto's van Yellowstone etc.Heel erg mooi allemaal, krijg zin in vakantie.
Guest 01-Feb-2005 15:00
Ik kwam bij toeval op je pbase terecht en ik moet zeggen: mooie foto's Helene! Vooral je natuurfoto's gemaakt aan de andere kant van de oceaan zijn prachtig!
betuwe 06-Jan-2005 17:14
heel mooi ga zo door mmmmmmmmmm
Tonya 08-Dec-2004 12:28
Great site and your photography skills are amazing.
Marco 24-Aug-2004 10:11

wat een prachtige foto's, ik heb er van genoten, en wat hebben jullie veel "Wildlife" gezien. De natuur is daar ook zo prachtig.
Veel herkenbaar, maar altijd weer fantastisch om te zien, ook foto's van anderen.
Afgelopen juni zijn wij ook nog in Yellowstone en Teton NP geweest en hebben ook een beer, vele buffels en elken gezien, maar jammer genoeg geen eland.
Ons reisverslag van deze reis is nog niet helemaal klaar, maar is al wel te lezen.
Als je zin hebt kan je kijken op: . Ook een deel van onze foto's staan op het internet en zijn te bereiken via het web-log --> linker kolom --> fotoboek - en dan klikken op de illustratie.
Met vriendelijke groet, Marco.
eric 13-Aug-2004 17:38
Helene ,

mooie foto's , zeker van west-Canada !

Maarten van Dijk21-Jul-2004 21:52
Laat die van Dijk maar schuiven ! ;)
Menno Alberts17-Jun-2004 20:32
Leuke galleries! Ik ga komende zomer ook lekker weer foto's maken, ook veel streken waar jij bent geweest. Vanaf Las Vegas (& Death Valley) via de National Parks en Jasper (Rocky Mtns, Canada) naar Vancouver om vervolgens vanaf Seattle weer terug te vliegen! Super veel zin in! Gaan o.a. naar Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Bryce, Zion, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Glacier, Banff, Jasper, etc. Wel tof dat je zo duidelijk beren hebt gezien, zeg! Hoop ik van de zomer ook tegen te komen (niet TE dichtbij overigens:)). Verder nog tips m.b.t. die parken? Ik hoor het wel! Groeten vanuit Amsterdam! ~ Menno
*Tinne aka digitinne*05-May-2004 19:15
Great work!
