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Bernard Bosmans's Recent Galleries

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17-Sep-2022 11:10
Spring in the air
:: Spring in the air ::
30-May-2022 04:45
Melburnians on the move
:: Melburnians on the move ::
27-Jul-2021 05:18
Cat snaps
:: Cat snaps ::
05-Feb-2021 01:14
A walkabout in our suburb
:: A walkabout in our suburb ::
29-Jan-2021 09:53
Melbourne sights
:: Melbourne sights ::
24-Dec-2020 02:03
:: bark_and_leaves ::
24-Dec-2020 01:41
Summer colours
:: Summer colours ::
22-Aug-2020 10:34
:: i_go_among_trees ::
03-Jul-2020 11:37
 Nature's garment
::  Nature's garment ::
06-Mar-2020 00:33
Seeing things in the beauty of bark
:: Seeing things in the beauty of bark ::
19-Jan-2020 04:03
Street photography
:: Street photography ::
28-Nov-2019 11:15
Melbourne street art 2019-2021
:: Melbourne street art 2019-2021 ::