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Crystal Pybas 11-Jul-2010 23:24
Hi! My husband is writing a journal entry as an assignment for his college class about his decendants from Norway and we found your site and have enjoyed your pictures very much.

We have read about Lars Larsan who came to America in the early 1800's in search of freedom of religion and more land to farm, and some of the people on his sloop were from Tinn, Norway.

Could you please email us some lore from Norway. We would enjoy reading it very much.

My husband is Jeff Pybas who is decended from Scandanavia. We don't really know who were his ancestors, but thought the Norwegians were a good place to start searching, too. So, thank you for your time.

Crystal and Jeff Pybas
Vernon, Texas, United States
lillian Evensen 31-Jan-2008 11:55
Hallå Are. Takk for sist, hyggelig,vi koser oss og den hellige ånd var der blant oss. Måtte bare innom her en tur...hehe.kom til å tenke på siden din og nysgjerrigheten lenge leve. Også så lett å finne da gett !! Hehe. Mange flotte bilder og fine innslag. Stå på vidre min kjære broder. Gleder meg over husmøtene våre. Gud velsigne deg, dine og ditt og deres.
Klemmer fra Lillian
Glen 20-Aug-2006 10:18
Thank you! |
Guest 19-Mar-2006 20:07
Very nice, interesting photos, keep up the great work.
Johann Harestad 10-Nov-2005 22:17
Thank you! Great pics of Norway, especially Lofoten. Some nice big girls in your family too!
Ingrid T 31-Aug-2005 11:19
Hallo this is Ingrid. I have been reading a little in your notes, and I am nysgjerrig. Liker noen av dine tanker ihvertfall. Håper vi kan treffes om ikke så lenge,--- det er så lenge siden vi var sammen. Kan ikke Oddbjørg og du komme en tur opp til oss i Midtåsveien 18. Å snakke om åndelige ting er noe vi elsker, særlig jeg. Vi har en lengsel, begge to, det er i allefall sikkert. Vi er forskjellige, og det skal vi få lov til å være. Men vi trenger hverandre i denne tiden.
Jeg er hos Heidi og J Sverre nå, og der kom jeg inn på di side. Vi skal hjem i morgen, H. og J.S. skal i bryllupp Bergen.
Vennlig hilsen Ingrid
Guest 04-Aug-2005 08:52
Are Karlsen...
These photos are wonderful... I hope we can meet and share your knowledges..
thanks so much and keep shoting... from Turkey mutlu60
Anne Young11-Jun-2005 11:29
Thank you for visiting my gallery! I'm not a professional, but maybe some day :) I enjoyed your photos very much, especially the people galleries. You are very talented.
Selvin Chance07-Dec-2004 03:13
Thank you for visiting my Hawaii galleries. I find it delightful to visit another country thru someone else's eyes. Your Paris streets gave a me a view of Paris that i had not seen when I visited there several years ago.
Cheers and aloha
Guest 26-Oct-2004 23:07
Thank you for leaving a message on one of my pictures. It is very nice to get some feedback. I like your work and have found many beautiful pictures in your galleries. My favorites are in your :"My dream" gallery.
Guest 26-Oct-2004 02:51
Got your message--

First, great galleries! Sometimes I wish I had a G series camera handy... :)

In any case, I find the S1 to be a pretty versatile camera. Things like the 10x image stabilized zoom, manual functions--the things I mentioned on my PBase.

I haven't used a G5 before, I would imagine it has a bit better image quality and flexibility. However, the S1 does come with a host of nice features including auto exposure bracketing and auto focus bracketing. The S1 has many of the same features of the G5 like the shutter speeds, ISO, and so on. I'm not sure how the shooting speed compares with the G5, but the S1 has been known to be a little harder to deal with in terms of low light focusing.

The video features are apparently the best in class, although if you want to do real filming, many suggest you get a digital video camcorder instead. The S1 is good for short clips, but the clips are pretty good quality, the sound is so-so, not directional and subject to wind noise, the video quality is pretty good, and I find it quite convinient that you can zoom while filming (you can't do this in most cameras). Plus the image stabilization also works while filming which is nice. If you do get the S1 for video, I would get a high speed and large (1 gig or larger) compact flash card.

To help you out, I uploaded two video clips I made with the S1:
Make sure you save them to your PC, I'm going to delete them in about a week.

Good luck in making your decision and I hope you have a great trip!

Guest 25-Oct-2004 00:10
I find your eye for composition very interesting and your appreciation of light is obvious, I especially enjoyed your galleris titled Interiors and The Chest (so creative!). You and the G5 do very well in natural light, such as in this fine example:

You live in a beautiful country with many equally-beautiful subjects, I hope to visit Norway soon!

Keep it up and thanks for your comments over at my gallery.

- mike
Buffalo, NY, US
Ezekiel 2007-Oct-2004 12:39
You were the first one to leave feedback on my gallery. Thanks for that!
I saw some of your photos, and I really like your travel shots. I plan to someday tour around Europe and take 1000s of shots every day.
Keep it up!

See ya

from Ezekiel in Sydney, Australia