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Andy Dunn | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 23-Jan-2024 19:57
I love you and I miss you. Even if you weren't always so great, I still wish you were here. My thoughts are with you always I hope to frame one of these one day. Rest in peace dad.
Nia 10-Jul-2008 10:04
Do you sell your photographs?- interested in one at Penmon.
Ryan 28-Apr-2008 21:01
I have seen your macro shots on pbase and really like your work. I have a new photography forum and we have a section dedicated to macro photography where you can share your work, get comment/critique on it, and can also help others by leaving comment/critique on their work. We have a really great group of guys on there and would love for you to join and share you work too. We also have many other photography sections
Hope to see you on the site
Ryan Miller; Owner & Founder
Guest 27-Jun-2007 14:10
Thank you for sharing your work. Had a great time looking at them.
Louise14-Mar-2007 01:37
It seems your most recent photo is very similar to my most recent photo! How are you doing, Mr. D? :D
John Reynolds LRPS12-Mar-2007 21:25
Thanks for the note you left on my home page. I, too, enjoyed looking through your galleries and as you say, we have a lot of pictures and interests in common. I have bookmarked your gallery and look forward with interest to seeing more of your work.
Best wishes,
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:45
Some true talent here :)
Borat fr0m Kazakhstan 13-Oct-2006 22:41
In my country there is problem,
and that problem is the Jew,
he take everybody's money ,
and he does not give it back,
throw the Jew down the well,
so my country can be free,
you must grab him by his horns,
then we have a big party.
Guest 01-Oct-2006 14:39
thanks for the comments, Andy!
Andy Dunn21-Aug-2006 22:36
Hi David,
Really great to hear from you, thanks a million for stopping by and commenting.
I hope all is well with you, all the best.
Guest 20-Aug-2006 21:42
Hey Andy,
I was just sufing the net, and came across you through the fujimugs site. Just wanted to thank you for the tip on reducing the amount of flash. You made a comment on a picture I had a dpreview awhile back. Hope all is well. Maybe see you around the fujimugs site again.
Andy Dunn23-Jul-2006 22:45
Thanks for stopping by and leaving me such kind words, I really appreciate it.
Yes, us D70 owners are going to go the way of the Dinosaur soon with the D200 grabbing sales and the new Nikon 10.2MP DSLR that has been announced.
I think I'll soldier on for a while longer ;-)
Best wishes to you.
Graham Coates23-Jul-2006 21:21
Thanks for your comments Andy.
Some of your shots are amazing. I especially like the typhoon b pic.
Your galleries are great too.
Glad to see another D70 owner.
Andy Dunn26-Jun-2006 14:27
Dan, thats a great compliment and I really appreciate you taking the time to look around.
Best wishes to you.
Dan 26-Jun-2006 02:43
I've spent the last hour going through your beautiful photos. You've got a great eye for composition.
Andy Dunn04-Jun-2006 14:07
Gracias para mirar mi galerĂ­a. Yo realmente lo aprecio. 04-Jun-2006 12:07
Hola me encanta el trabajo que estan haciendo y me encantaria poder participar.
wreck99 16-May-2006 13:42
Andy, awesome photos. Where did you study? Were there any noisy magpies?

Guest 14-May-2006 17:47
hello mate mark moore hear fair play mate youve taken some stunning pictures, Iespecially like the one of my battalions regimental castle in caernarfon, keep up the good work mate
Guest 08-Sep-2005 17:12
HI Andy,

I have come across your gallery whilst looking around on the net for images taken with a Sigma 135-400 APO.

Your have some nice work, My interest is Underwater photography, however next year i'm out on a trip to Borneo Diving but cannot miss the chance to catch up with some Primates namely the OLD MAN OF THE JUNGLE...

so I'm looking for a lens to take with me, Not shooting much on land at all so not wishing to shell out a lot of cash i thought about the 135-400.

What do you think of this item of glass ?, your images are excellent with it.

I'm a D70 user to,

Any comments you have i'd me obliged if you'd share them with me, I want to know is that if i purchase this lens it will give me some happy memories of Orang's

Look forward to your reply

You can Email me direct on

thanks and regards

Craig Nelson
Aquaimaging Photography
Andy Dunn29-May-2005 00:27
Thanks a million for your kind comment and even kinder offer Ray, I will try my hardest to take you up on that some day.

Very best wishes to you,

Ray Guselli 28-May-2005 23:21
Hi Andy,

Just had a look at your site and some great shots.

I cannot beleive that we have taken the same shots in Barrow - I have also done the other boat (did you know it was allegedely used for drug running!!!)

I have been hankering to get to N Bridge for a shot of the bridge - you have done it!

We think alike.

Anyway, great shots and if you are ever up here drop a message to my e mail and we can meet up.

Best wishes

Andy Dunn09-Dec-2004 15:03
Cheers Gavin, its good to be aboard!
Gavin01-Dec-2004 15:01
Welcome to pbase Andy my friend :) I really enjoyed looking at your pics. I look forward to seeing how your galleries progress. Now all I have got to do is come up with a cunning plan to get you to join the Photo A Day thingymabob. :)
Keep up the good work